Dragon Tales 1
Dragon Tales 1, by Iona Miller 2010
Magic, Transcendence & Longevity
by Iona Miller, 4-2010
Ex Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem Terrarum Per Cucurrit.
By the gift of the most wise Comte St. Germain who passed through the circle of the Earth.
The Holy Magic revealed to Moses discovered within an Egyptian monument and preciously preserved in Asia under the emblem of a Winged Dragon.
1. To find things lost in the seas since the flooding of the globe.
2.To discover mines and diamonds, gold and silver within the bowels of
the earth.
3. To preserve one's health and prolong one's life for a
century, and that with the freshness of fifty years, and the strength of
that age.
You should do your operations for the first two objects only when the sun, earth, and moon are found in conjunction in the same line, and within the same plane. As for the third marvel, you may perform the operation at any time, but it is necessary to carry on your person a figure like that which you see here.
SEE VIDEO -- "Treasures of St. Germain"
at http://vimeo.com/10965378
No table of contents. No page numbers. Book is triangular in shape: crop box reveals content outside of page because it cannot be changed to a triangular format. Book is not oriented properly due to regular orientation of scribe. In order to be read properly book should be turned horizontally to the right. Most pages are written in code. Includes a volume with character translations. http://www.archive.org/details/manlypalmerbox34ms209hall
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Hoary Grimoires
The dragon is a symbol of immortality and archetype of the creative process. One paradoxical meaning of the downward-pointing or inverted triangle is the Sacred Uterus, the womb, through which we are born into life, and the tomb through which we are reborn in the spiritual world. It represents the magical potential for transformation and projecting into the future, forever - perpetual life. What is resurrected is a hyperdimensional vehicle of consciousness. Mere matter is transcended in a new dimension. Spirit and matter are realized as One.
The triangle is the archetypal symbol of a sacred enclosure, since space cannot be bounded by fewer than three lines. The triangle is thus conceived as the first closed figure to emerge when creation emerged from chaos. In this aspect it is known as the root of all manifested nature. The inverted triangle is a symbol of feminine power, the creative essence of the universe, also known as Shakti. It is the dynamism of this Shakti, Sophia or Shekinah that gives rise to the creative impulse in nature.
The cosmic triangle is the Womb or Water of Space, the great Nothingness, literally invisibly radiant with omnipresent virtual photonic Light -- the seed of all-containing Space. The beauty and power of eternity is found in that Void or Abyss that is EverywhereAlwaysForever. Retrieving spiritual gold, gems and Mysteries from this hyperdimensional matrix is the work of magic, the energetic science.
We can presume Count St. Germain was well aware of this triangle symbolism when he created such a uniquely shaped manuscript. He would know it embodied the ancient triad of being, reason and love. The initiates into the Isis-Osiris mystery-myth believed that ultimate reality is numerical, that number is the key to the universe, that triangles are the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos and that geometry is the sacred science. They studied the properties of the circle and the geometry of the sphere for use in astronomy.
In a sense St. Germain's DRAGON BOOK is his own magical child come down to us, yet still sequestered in the womblike vaults of great libraries. The work can be viewed simply as a historical and literary artifact, or unpacked for its encoded esoteric secrets.
Grand Trine & Sacred Geometry
The Dragon Book of St. Germain (1750) is a cryptic manual of ceremonial magic with three stated purposes that unravel infinite threads of investigation in metahistory, metaphysics, transformation and cosmology. It is a dynamic fractal nest of embedded meaning.
The triangle unfolds into a tetrahedron, and the hyperdimensionally energetic star-tetrahedron, Diamond Body or Merkabah field body. Making an "Ahhh" sound causes sand on a plane to vibrate toward a Star of David via cymatics. It is the geometry of interconnection, involution and explosion.
Buckminster Fuller takes the circle, triangle and square into three dimensions. The Da Vinci Man is based upon the circle, triangle and square. The "circle" is the closest compactification of spheres. The "triangle" is the four triangular sides of the tetrahedron. The "square" is the diamond form created by the upper and lower triangles of the four-sided octahedron.
The essence of Fuller's theory of structures is the vector equilibrium, which is essentially a geometric free-energy "machine," a transducer of virtual to manifest energy. At the very core of this structure is the rhombic dodecahedron. This form is created by the closest packing of spheres. Looking at one side of the rhombic dodecahedron reveals the diamond structure of its octahedral dual. http://sourceress.tripod.com/
His dragon book says St. Germain wrote it for his closest associates, but its contents appear to be a much older work in the hermetic style of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, a conjuring work of "Solomonic" magic. Unlike the concealed Dragon Book, Abramelin circulated in Europe. Mathers’s translation was from an 18th century French translation of a 17th century German translation of a supposed Hebrew original, now lost, published in the 15th century. Mistakes naturally occured in the transcribing and translation of these books.
St. Germain may have been a similar link in the chain passing down his Dragon rites. We presume the Count's target audience of fellow adepts could transcribe the masonic symbols. A decoding of the cyphers was made in 1873. They decode into French, which has been translated into English. See MS1-MS12, this site for the 1776 copy, MS 210 which entered the US through New York.
Because it is so short and concise, the meaning of each part of this arcane book is left to the imagination, in terms of symbol, metaphor, and history. The literal meaning is likely to cover up at least three other layers of meaning from profane to most sacred. An initiate will glean much more from the text, perhaps, than even a Jungian with an eye for astrology, spiritual alchemy and other metaphors of transformation.
A Grand Trine in astrology is a positive configuration with a positive meaning. When three or more planets are 120 degrees from one another in three parts of the chart, they form this triangular configuration.. Usually, the planets are in the same element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water), and the formation is described, for example, as a "Fire" or "Earth" grand trine. This pattern shows special protection and can be beneficial, although it does indicate a closed circuit of energy. It may also show areas where the person is self-sufficient.
The triangles are related to Spirit and synthesis in esoteric astrology. In mundane astrology they are believed to signify good karma earned from previous lifetimes. They give special advantages and emphasize the potential for creative self expression and spiritual self unfoldment. The potential of the Grand trine must be acted upon and used in creative self expression and efforts toward spiritual self improvement . Otherwise it will lie dormant.
Spiritual Technology
Grimoires were very popular from 1600 - 1900 AD. The (unrelated) Black Dragon, Red Dragon and Black Screech Owl are all examples of grimoires or magical texts. The two best known grimoires are the Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomoni) and the Lesser Key of Solomon (The Lemegeton).
Composed in Arabic, in Andalusia around 1000 C.E., the astrological and hermetic Picatrix is an encyclopædic work, perhaps the largest and most comprehensive of the grimoires. Brought out of the obscurity of the Middle East it passed through the hands of many prominent figures throught the history of Hermetic thought. Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Peter Abano & Cornelius Agrippa were among them.
Picatrix is a work of practical astral and talismanic magic. Planetary and Zodiacal magic and full instructions for invoking the related spirits are provided along with all the requisite materials needed; stones, plants, inks, colors, incenses, talismans and the invocations. In addition to this are many anecdotes relating to Arabic and pre-Islamic magical lore, including the writings of Ibn Wahshija, the Nabataeans, Sabians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. Of particular note is the magical plant and mineral lore from the Nabataean Agriculture, which portray ancient practices of pagan Iraq.
The secret society tradition came from Elizabethan mage, John Dee. He also popularized the spiritual technology of angelic and daemonic invocation and evocation, demonstrated also in Saint Germain's book. Invocations are a means of calling in or embodying archetypal energies, while evocation fosters control of negative energies. Thus, it co-creates a balance of light and dark forces.
The Masons, the Rosicrucians, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and other secret societies rely on books of ancient lore as their bonding element. After Saint Germain others had lucrative careers writing, translating, and promoting grimoires including Aleister Crowley, Francis Barret, Eliphas Levi, and L. W. de Laurence. Many translated earlier works, revised earlier works to their tastes, or created new grimoires.
Speaking Intentionally
The term "Grimoire" is a derivative of "grammar". Grammar describes a fixed set of symbols and the means of their incorporation to properly produce well-formed, meaningful sentences and texts. Similarly, a Grimoire describes a set of magical symbols and how best to properly combine and time dramatic ceremonial events to produce the desired effects. True grimoires contain elaborate rituals.
The DRAGON BOOK of St. Germain is akin to The Red Dragon or Grand Grimoire, with the Powerful Clavicle of Solomon and of Black Magic; or the Infernal Devices of the Great Agrippa for the Discovery of all Hidden Treasures and the Subjugation of every Denomination of Spirits, together with an Abridgment of all the Magical Arts.
The ancient secret "Wisdom Religion" recognizes the One Mystery-God of the Ineffable Name. It existed before the Zoroastrian split into the war of 'good' and 'evil.' Chaos and demons are represented as primordial dragons. The Cosmos, in its birth, spread out from the center, the constellation Draco (and Cygnus The Swan before that) as perceived in the pre-history of mankind. The "Old Dragon" was pure spirit before he became matter, passive before he became active.
Dragon energy was expressed as the Voice of the Silence, Logos, and Ophis, the Agathodaemon. Even Jesus said, "be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Ophis is represented as the Egyptian Cnuphis or Kneph, called Dracontiae. He appears as a serpent standing erect on its tail, with a lion's head, crowned and radiated, and bearing on the point of each ray one of the seven Greek vowels--symbol of the seven celestial spheres. This figure is quite familiar to those acquainted with the Gnostic gems.
Gnosis, Trinity & Primordial Water
The first Unity in a Trinity is borrowed from the Egyptian Hermetic books, known to Saint Germain from his hermetic studies. IAO--the Ineffable Name of the Unknown Deity--Abraxas, and the "Eternal Spiritual Sun." Unity enclosed within the Depth, Bythos, feminine principle--the boundless circle, within which lie all ideal forms.
The second Trinity is 1) Ennoia--mind; 2) Ophis, the Agathodaemon; 3) Sophia Androgyne--wisdom, in her turn--fecundated with the Divine Light. Sophia emanates the Demiurge. It is a symbolical antithesis (dual manifested nature) united in a transcendant third. Religious versions of this duality lead to interpretive doctrines, and myths of restoration or redemption.
Blavatsky contended that, "The Hindu Trinity is composed of three personages, which are convertible into one. The Trimurti is one, and in its abstraction indivisible, and yet we see a metaphysical division taking place from the first, and while Brahma, though collectively representing the three, remains behind the scenes, Vishnu is the Life-Giver, the Creator, and the Preserver, and Siva is the Destroyer, and the Death-giving deity. "Death to the Life-Giver, life to the Death-dealer. The symbolical antithesis is grand and beautiful," says Gliddon.*** "Deus est Daemon inversus" of the kabalists now becomes clear. It is but the intense and cruel desire to crush out the last vestige of the old philosophies by perverting their meaning, for fear that their own dogmas should not be rightly fathered on them, which impels the Catholic Church to carry on such a systematic persecution in regard to Gnostics, Kabalists, and even the comparatively innocent Masons."
Dragon Triangle CraftThe Dragon Book grimoire employs sigil magic, encrypted godnames, spirit or angelic names and astronomical features. Illustrations include the metasymbol dragon emblem, a wyvern, a magical circle of operations enclosing a triangle of evocation, a sigil for longevity or immortality, and a magical mirror of the heavens (As Above, So Below).
Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips describe Ceremonial Magick ritual in four basic categories:
- a) Acts directly imitative of an intended project, including the desired outcome.
- b) Acts imitative of cosmic and meteorological processes.
- a) Acts meant indirectly to induce or to avert influences by allusive or symbolic association.
- b) Mythic presentments and acts of propitiation or of worship, intended to link the rite with a specific divine force.
While St. Germain's first two operations for finding "lost treasures" in the "sea" and "depths of the earth" are only performed during an eclipse, the third -- the longevity practice -- does not require that. Arguably, it does require the Dragon bloodline or lineage.Was Saint Germain a legitimate heir of the Dragon Legacy -- the Draconian or Typhonian Cult?
The Dragon Descent reads like Lord of the Rings meets the Da Vinci Code meets Zecharia Sitchin and they all run off to Scotland. In the Dragon bloodline, the metaphors become distinctly psychobiological and endocrinal.
The magic circle, dragon's eye and the labyrinth all allude to goal of Courtly Love. The "depths of the sea and the earth" refer directly to the womb, and eclipse to the union of the alchemical brother and his soror mystica -- Frater and Soror. All treasures flow forth or come from that Royal Union. It is more than a metaphor. It is ignition of the alchemy of Transcendence and a cocktail of hormones and pineal DMT, the spirit molecule. As such, it is the Holy Grail of magic, alchemy, and qabalah -- spiritual rebirth. [See "Pineal DMT" this site]
Magical timing is important in the enactment of sacred cycles. Upcoming annular and total eclipses in 2012 occur on May 20 and Nov 13. These with the Winter Solstice are moments of tremendous magical potential and resonant tuning. Magical timing functions like a lens to focus consciousness. Winter Solstice 2012 marks the Precessional magic moment, opening the portal of eternity for those with the secret key -- the right one at the right time, with the right aim. The arrow of Sagittarius points directly to the heart of the galactic core. When the Sun rises in heart of the Milky Way, it forms a Grand Conjunction, a Grand Eclipse.
- A total eclipse occurs when the Sun is completely obscured by the Moon. The intensely bright disk of the Sun is replaced by the dark silhouette of the Moon, and the much fainter corona is visible. During any one eclipse, totality is visible only from at most a narrow track on the surface of the Earth.
- An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. The Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon.
The Great Year cycle of Precession culminates in 2012. The Galactic Center according the Maya and many other cosmic cultures is where time and space have collapsed totally and do not exist. We are aligning with the Galactic Center as we complete the Great Cycle. This alignment is called the second coming of the Christ.
This cosmic conjunction is the Alchemical Wedding. It is when we become One or resonate with the higher vibrations from the Galactic Center. Now, as we complete this great cycle, we move through the Galactic Center beyond birth and death into a higher dimensional being. A new aeon is emerging.
The symbol of the Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tail, refers to a serpent of light residing in the Milky Way. In Hindu myth, Vishnu is seen lying on the hundred headed serpent Ananta Sesha. Vishnu represents the center of the Milky Way out of which the consciousness of all that exists emanates. Ananta Sesha, the giant primordial serpent, is the life giving dragon who supports Vishnu on the surface of the Milky Ocean of Immortal life. Vishnu, in human form is seen dreaming as a lotus grows from his navel on which Brahma, the creator is seated. This is a metaphor for the creation of stars and planets from the center of the galaxy.
Triune Being & Altar Egos
The "mystic triangle" is the metaphysical bedrock of Rosicrucian philosophy. The Rosicrucians claim Saint Germain and that they, like him, held the secret to immortality. He was the highly revered 'Obermohr' of many mystic brotherhoods. He belongs to old Vienna swirling with Rosicrucians, Illuminates, Alchemists, Magnetopaths, Thaumaturgists, and Templars. He was a living example of the power and fullness of the path.
Many Rosicrucians -- such as Paracelsus, Cagliostro and the Count de St. Germain -- claimed to possess the secret of prolonging Life, a potential no Theosophist will deny. Theosophy also claims Saint Germain is the avatar of the emergent Age of Aquarius and the violet ray.
Did St. Germain teach Cagliostro about his Immortality Elixir? Cagliostro reports:
On the seventeenth day of this retreat after a small emission of blood, he will start taking some white drops of secret composition. He will have to take six of them in the morning and evening, adding two a day till the thirty-second day. Another blood emission is taken on this day at sunset, the following day he stays in bed till the end of the Quarantine. Then he starts taking the first grain of Original Matter, the same that God has created in order to give man immortality. Because of sin, man has lost the knowledge of it. It can’t be conquered other than by a favor from the Eternal, and Masonic work.“
“After having taken this grain the one who is going to rejuvenate becomes unconscious for three hours and in convulsions he sweats and evacuates continuously. After having come to himself and changed bed he must be fed with a pound of fat free beef and cooling herbs. If this food makes him feel better on the following day he is given the second grain of Original Matter in a cup of broth that besides the effect of the first grain will cause him a very strong delirious fever .He will lose the skin, and the teeth and hair will fall out. On the following thirty-fifth day if the patient recovers his strength, he will soak in a bath for one hour in neither cold or hot water. On the thirty-sixth day he will have his third and last grain of Original Matter in a glass of vintage and generous wine that will make him sleep quietly and peacefully. Then the hair grows back, the teeth too and the skin gets healed. When he wakes up he soaks in new aromatic bath and on the thirty-eighth day he will have a bath in plain water mixed with niter .Later on he gets dressed and starts walking in his room, then on the thirty-ninth day, he takes ten drops of Balsam of the Great Master along with two spoons of red wine. On the fortieth day he will leave the house, rejuvenated and perfectly recharged”.
Cagliostro's school had three teaching levels. In the first level, theoretically, one could learn the fundamentals of Hermetism: the analog science, symbolism. The Neapolitan School was far more detailed than other hermetic schools. They also cultivated the “art of memory”.
In the second level one could start the real transmutation work and according to a superb technique of ancient origin characterized by a special kind of sexual magic called “osiridean”. Smell a dragon?
By the hellenic era, Greek awareness of Osiris had grown, and attempts had been made to merge Greek philosophy, such as Platonism, and the cult of Osiris (especially the myth of his resurrection), resulting in a mystery religion. Gradually, this became more popular, and was exported to other parts of the Greek sphere of influence. However, these mystery religions valued the change in wisdom, personality, and knowledge of fundamental truth, rather than the exact details of the acknowledged myths on which their teachings were superimposed.
In the third level, the transmutation student could use two techniques of individual mastering for the purpose of giving him superior mental powers and starting the regeneration of the physical body.
Secret Secretions
To continue, the Arcana of the illuminati consist of three degrees or ritual cycles of mastery plus a “High Arcane” (Secretum Secretorum). Their calendar runs according to the lunar cycle, and the 9 days of ritual fasting, during which one must follow complete chastity). The osiridean transmutation work is performed in pairs: by a woman and a man.
The first degree performed by a man consists in a self–assimilation of his sperm, obtained by a self-sexual magic; the short cycle which is more used, covers forty operations, one every 9 days, during one year activity . As for the woman, the sperm is replaced by a microscopic sample of menstrual blood.
After the end of the year a third ingredient (differently diversified) is added to the sperm and blood and the compound is drunk over a cyclic period of fasting and light meals still insisting on these numbers: 9, 6, 3 and 1.
In the second degree these operations are repeated (with light variations), by combining all the three ingredients together.
The third degree is based on couple sexual practice where the philosophical amalgam (the three elements together) is “cooked” through the three passages called “Black Mercury”, ”White Mercury” and “Red Mercury” (three different sexual practices performed in pairs: one of sodomy, one without sperm emission and one during menstruation). A new philosophical amalgam will be obtained. Once it is swallowed it should cause the sprouting of the energetic body (called “Body of glory” according to the School terminology).
Sex and the Siddhi
The ancient Siddhi, or Seers are of royal Scythian blood. Their Elven magic is the root of all other imitative rites that seek to emulate Dragon Consciousness. "The name Sithian is related to a group of words that appear in Indo-European languages which are found as far apart as Eire and Northern India, indicating that they had a common Aryan origin in Scythia. These include - Sithia, Sidhe, Siddir and Siddhi."
"The curious Irish word - Sidhe - pronounced ’shee’, ’sheeth’ or ’sheeth-ay’, attributed to the fairies and meaning ’powers’, is therefore identical to Siddir (sheeth-eer) and Siddhi (sheeth-ee) and is derived therefore, from the people of the powers - the Scythians or Sidheans (sheethee-ans). In Scotland the royal fairies were called the Seelie or Sheelie. . .goddesses of sovereignty and transcendence. . .Along with the Irish Sidhe, the Seelie and the Seelie Court of Scotland had a distinctly royal origin in the Tuadha d’Anu who when asked, like their Pictish descendants in Scotland, said of themselves that they were Scythian."
Prince Nicholas de Vere argues that in the true Dragon bloodline, that no such penetrative rituals occur. He contends the true Dragon elixir is the combined virginal menstrum and secretions of the Graffenberg gland of the Grail Maidens, upon which the Dragon line feeds.
Ingested sublingually, this non-adrenergic substance is rich in neurotransmitters, including melatonin, oxytocin, and estrogenic hormones of youth and love. Its transcendent effect is highly addictive and therefore such magic is reserved for bloodline members. The occult arcana, de Vere claims, are lower rites imitating the original practice of the Druidic/Vampiric/Elven line, he characterizes as a separate species.
Darkness, Darkness
In the Naples school, the final level or Major Arcane, is based on five retreats performed in darkness, each lasting seven days, with a decreasing number of sexual performances (9, 6, 3, 1 and then none, replaced by breathing exercises) where one comes back to the assimilation of one element only (sperm or blood) plus a third ingredient; the absence of light encourages the development of the body of glory and its strengthening.
Today, some aspirants practice Dark Room Retreats to stimulate endogenous pineal DMT production [see "Pineal DMT" this site]. Isolated from external light, the third eye (pineal gland) overflows with certain neurotransmitters that awaken the higher brain, the ability to imprint the brain, reprogramming itself for an “instant experience of Being.” The retreat reopens the source code of embryogenesis.
Only after having finished this work could the illuminati transmutation student, from The School of Naples, face the advanced rituals of the third level, which Cagliostro has handed on through Egyptian Freemasonry.
When the level of Master is achieved, an opportunity is offered to the Egyptian Brother or the Sister to engage in the famous “Quarantine”, two operations of transmutation, lasting 40 days each. In Egypt it took 40 days to desicate and embalm a mummy to prepare it for the next world before it is washed, oiled wrapped and resined. This is also consistent with modern Dark Room Retreat practices and those from Tibetan Buddhism.
The first Quarantine: "How to achieve the Pentagon and become morally perfect" has to be practiced by thirteen Masters together. Strongly hybridized with magic-cabalistic elements, occasionally reminiscent of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin, had the purpose of sharpening the subtle faculties of the Master’s body of glory to give him the capacity to correctly explain the enigmatic instructions of the second Quarantine: “How to rejuvenate and become physically perfect”.
Repeating the Cagliostro excerpt above, the following text is an unabridged version, written by the adept himself, as handed down from the many Egyptian Lodges still existing today (especially in southern France with illuminati Brothers like Jean Pierre Giudicelli also a member of the Monte Carlo Lodge) :
“The Aspirant has to retreat with a friend in the countryside on a full moon night and locked inside a room he has to suffer from a very exhausting diet for forty days time. The diet consists of scarce food based on light soups and tender cooling laxative vegetables, distilled water beverages or May rain. Each meal must to start with a liquid, a drink and end with a solid snack as a biscuit or bread crust.
On the seventeenth day of this retreat after a small emission of blood, he will start taking some white drops of secret composition. He will have to take six of them in the morning and evening, adding two a day till the thirty-second day. Another blood emission is taken on this day at sunset, the following day he stays in bed till the end of the Quarantine. Then he starts taking the first grain of Original Matter, the same that God has created in order to give man immortality. Because of sin, man has lost the knowledge of it. It can’t be conquered other than by a favor from the Eternal, and Masonic work.“
“After having taken this grain the one who is going to rejuvenate becomes unconscious for three hours and in convulsions he sweats and evacuates continuously.
After having come to himself and changed bed he must be fed with a pound of fat free beef and cooling herbs. If this food makes him feel better on the following day he is given the second grain of Original Matter in a cup of broth that besides the effect of the first grain will cause him a very strong delirious fever .He will lose the skin, and the teeth and hair will fall out. On the following thirty-fifth day if the patient recovers his strength, he will soak in a bath for one hour in neither cold or hot water. On the thirty-sixth day he will have his third and last grain of Original Matter in a glass of vintage and generous wine that will make him sleep quietly and peacefully.
Then the hair grows back, the teeth too and the skin gets healed. When he wakes up he soaks in new aromatic bath and on the thirty-eighth day he will have a bath in plain water mixed with niter. Later on he gets dressed and starts walking in his room, then on the thirty-ninth day, he takes ten drops of Balsam of the Great Master along with two spoons of red wine. On the fortieth day he will leave the house, rejuvenated and perfectly recharged”.
Meditation is an alpha brain wave entrainment technique, which synchronizes the two brain hemispheres into 8 Hz. Closing the eyes, stops Melatonin flow leakage to the body, and makes it saturate the neocortex, increasing concentrations of Meltaonin and Pinoline in both brain and body. Meditation, several times a day, is an essential health exercise, an energizer, and tool for mental integration of daily activities.
Pinoline and related beta carbolines are not only produced in the brain, but in the adrenal glands themselves, where these hormones undergo their transformation to the hormones of life. HeartMath Institute demonstrated that minutes of compassion in the cardio-rhythm, which induces 8 Hz in the brain, brought DHEA up to youthful levels.
Twenty minutes of compassionate love, through meditative breathing, and whole body 8 Hz entrainment is the ultimate hormone precursor anti-aging pill. Not only does the pineal gland produce more Melatonin and Pinoline, which instigate 8 Hz ELF waves throughout the body, but these neurohormones signal the pituitary to release the life hormone Somatropin, which signals the adrenal glands to instigate cholesterol to convert to Pregnelenone then DHEA.
The extra Pinoline and other beta carboline levels that result, aid the body cells to replicate, and neutralize microorganisms, parasites, fungoids, and bacterias, and related harmful invaders. Melatonin and Pinoline are also antioxidents. Meditation is a rest break, an exercise session, an integration session, an energizer, and a body tuner, promoting antioxidant and antidepressant production.
We can return intentionally to more youthful states by doing emotional exercises and visualizations, which stimulate the body chemistry of our glory days. The body remembers and mimics those chemical states, producing youthful hormones and more flexible mental and physical states, improving overall balance and disposition. When “Youthenizing” yourself, it is helpful to use a photo from under age 7, a time you felt at your peak, or your happiest, or other 'good chemistry' times.
Absolute darkness has an initiatory quality – the metaphor of moving from the darkness of ignorance into the illuminative Light. But it is more than a metaphor. All wisdom traditions have used sensory deprivation and darkness, (such as caves, tunnels, catacombs or special chambers), as a shamanic mind-altering force. Disorientation outside facilitates internal focus and connection.
Dark Room (DR) technology is for core reprogramming, restimulating the hardened pineal which begins calcifying around age 12. Sound becomes light. Chanting and drumming amplify the effects, which culminate in a rebirth of the spirit when one enters the point of Light or primordial Luminosity.
Author, Robert Newman, (Calm Healing, 2006) advocates Medicine Light for a variety of conditions. He cites Tibetan Buddhist, Trungpa Rinpoche about a highly advanced, dangerous forms of meditation practiced in utter darkness, known as a Bardo Retreat. They last up to seven weeks in a specially prepared Darkness Chamber, during which the whole Tibetan Book of The Dead becomes experiential and visions arise innately from the brain.
The beneficent and wrathful “eyes of Buddha” become visually and interactively alive as the Bardo of Luminosity flashes on and off; visions are self-arising; and transcend ordinary perception. The 49-day cycle recapitulates embryogenesis up to the point when pineal and gender differentiation occurs. The Taoists, Egyptians, Druids and others had similar practices of external light isolation.
The pineal contains high levels of the enzymes and building blocks for making DMT, and it may be secreted when inhibitory processes cease blocking its production. It may even produce other chemicals, such as beta-carbolines that magnify and prolong its effects.What's New with My Subject?
Blinded by the Light
Illumination has been described as being blinded by the manifestation of God’s presence, which has no relation to visible light. Visionary experience, which has symbolic or religious content, gives way to this dazzling light, which is reported in eastern and western religions.
Kabbalalists speak of this light during ecstatic entry into Pardes, the "orchard" of the Garden of Pomegranates, the self-luminous spheres of the Tree of Life. This metaphysical experience of the "Light of the Shekinah," the feminine aspect of the Divine, is associated with qabalistic ascent up the Middle Pillar. In this state the soul remains covered or adorned, and one cleaves to the Light, gazing at the awesome radiance of God (Tzvi ha Shekinah) in rapt mystic Union.
According to Kabbalist Idel, the grace of "sweet radiance" has erotic overtones. It also implies mystical death, separated from all concerns with the mundane world. The Divine Light attracts the light of the soul, "which is weak in relation to the Divine Light." The metaphor is one of magnetic attraction. The Kabbalists tried to reach the pre-fall state of the Primordial Man, to reenter the radiance of the Shekinah, a mystically erotic relationship with the Divine Presence which creates a reflective “glow.”
Entrance of the philosopher or mystic into the Pardes affects only the human soul. But in the Theosophical paradigm it does have affects on the non-human realms, the system of divine powers, influencing the relationships between them. In the Theurgic paradigm there is also an influence on, or struggle with, the demonic realm, which seeks to hold the soul back from union.
In both cases, Pardes represents a danger zone, leading potentially to insanity or death, being overwhelming for most mortals. Premature entry to this realm has been likened to tearing a silk scarf from a rosebush, rather than gently removing it slowly (with regular meditation). It sounds like the wrathful visions of Buddhism and the intensely raw effects of unmediated DMT.
Altar Egos
The perfection of the Self is the Great Work. Manly Palmer Hall claimed with each increase in our ability to appreciate the magnitude of the divine plan, we are reborn. "Rebirth is the passing out from an old condition into a new state, from an old limitation to a new extension. As we grow in knowledge, our universe enlarges.
A student of St. Germain, Cagliostro introduced a triangular altar, the Shekinah, in the center of the Rosicrucian Temple, modeling it after the altar described by Count Saint Germain in his work The Holy Trinosophia, Book of the Three-fold Wisdom. The altar is the place of transformation.
Saint Germain called nature, "a triangular arrangement of four elements," multiplied by three to yield the Zodiac of the heavens. St. Germain identifies himself with the substance from which the Stone is generated. The elements pass through 12 stages of augmentation in the preparation of the [vortex] Stone.
The altar is the three-fold cause of the material sphere. The altar is the burning Athanor, the self-feeding, digesting furnace of the alchemists, mirroring immortality seen in the four quarters of heaven. "The altar is the human body. Its material parts -- the square -- are arranged in the spiritual order -- a triangle."
Salt, sulphur and Mercury are placed on the altar in a triangle, symbolizing equilibrated body, spirit and soul, which gives birth to the homunculi or Crystal Body. "This [universal] man is an immortally generating ego capable of precipitating personalities at will, yet itself unchanged and unlimited by them." The body lives in the soul - esse in anima.
In the air above the altar is the Crux Ansanta, the Ankh in copper, symbolizing the Venusian star of self-knowledge and the reproductive energy of the soul. As outer bodies generate progeny, inner bodies generate the archetypes of personalities. The gestalt is a figure of spiritual generation. Perpetual regeneration is generated by the use of the Philosopher's Stone and the secret subtle Elixir.
The Count of Saint Germain had a very precise knowledge of the Rosicrucian wisdom and symbolism expressed in the Degrees of study within the Chambers of Instruction. As a Rosicrucian Initiate of high degree, Cagliostro was particularly active in developing what Saint Germain had taught. By means of certain symbols, further enriched later by other Adepts, he put the teachings into practice, making the Rosicrucian technique more effective and better adapted to the times. Such a descended master is a draku.
The Dragon guards the "treasure" and a royal bloodline from which St. Germain claimed descent through his reputed father, Ferenc of Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania. He was kidnapped in his youth. A symbolic dragon of the bloodline, Comte St.Germain, first son of Ferenc Rákóczi was kidnapped by the Habsburg clan in punishment of Prince Rákótzi's activism against the Habsburgs. He was adopted out to the French Come Family because of the Habsburg's demand.
The Dragon Bloodline has been preserved in the Merovingian, Carolingian, Tudor, Plantagenet, Stuart, Hapsburg, Hanoverian, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Guelph, Bowes-Lyon, Battenberg (Mountbatten), Guise, and Savoy families, as well as others. The Merovingians may have derived their title from the word for the sea, or from Mer meaning "pyramid" and also "high ones." The powerful Plantagenet kings of England were a part of the Angevin dynasty of France, and were also known as the House of Anjou. They were, like the Bourbons and House of Orleans, a branch of the Capetian dynasty of Europe. The word capet means the "Big Heads" or "Chiefs."
There are many books about the hermetic school of Tuthmosis III of Egypt, who reigned about 1450 BC. But it is not generally known that the school he originally inherited was the Royal Court of the Dragon. This had been founded by the priests of Mendes in about 2200 BC and was subsequently ratified by the 12th dynasty Queen Sobeknefru. (Gardner)
This sovereign and priestly Order passed from Egypt to the Kings of Jerusalem; to the Black Sea Princes of Scythia and into the Balkans - notably to the Royal House of Hungary, whose King Sigismund reconstituted the Court just 600 years ago. Today it exists as the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, which at 4,000+ years is the oldest sovereign Court in the world.
Today, according to its mage Prince Nicholas de Vere, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is a closed fraternity, a collective of individuals, comprising those who, unlike Sigismund, can trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient, pre-Christian Elven, Grail, Vampyre, Druid and Dragon families via Anjou. Their rituals wouldn’t work neurochemically on anyone without their bloodline. The 'Shining Ones' rituals produced charge radiant bliss. The real lineage ran through the Dragon Queens - Gene Isis.
The Court retains the traditional three-tier degree system that Sigismund revived. He added three separate representations of the alchemical Ouroboros emblem for the distinct ranks of the Court, harking back to earlier dragon rings. A fourth emblem shaped like an Egyptian Ankh or Albigensian Cross was used by the family officers of the Inner Temple.
Scotland has a strong tradition of hermetic alchemy. In 1317 the King of Scots was installed as the heriditary Grand Master, and from that time, whichever descending King held the office, he was to be known simply as 'Saint Germain'. A new Order was then formed, called the elder Brothers of the Order of the Rosy Cross (The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland by HRH Prince Michael of Albany of the Royal House of Stewart, who was elected President of the Royal Society of European Princes in 1992....Element Books Limited, 1998)
Echoing the opening lines of the TRIANGLE BOOK, this Dragon lineage traces itself to Egypt and is also preserved in Asia, by the Scythians and Mesopotamians and lines even further east. Coming from Hungary and/or Transylvania, St. Germain, being of noble blood himself, could not be unaware of this symbolic Dragon lineage.
Ferenc of Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania, is Saint Germain’s reputed father. He was Head of the First Hungarian Liberation Battle for the re-establishment of Hungarian Kingdom Authority. In the fight for independence against the Habsburg Conquest all Hungarian people engaged in a spiritual struggle extending across centuries.
The first Habsburg King acquired the Hungarian throne by a deal unacceptable to the people. Hungarian elites ridiculed the Habsburg Clan and encouraged the Hungarian Royal State Formation. Independence of the Habsburg Clan, and the reestablishment of the Hungarian State Authority in her territory is the crucial movement cult of the Hungarian nation.
Joseph Rákóczi was the second son of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi and Amalie Princesse of Hessen, born in the French emigration of her father. The Conceptor and Head of the 2nd Hungarian Liberation's Battle against the Habsburg Empire was excommunicated by the Pope for this mission. In 1784, the Bavarian Illuminati, presumably including St. Germain in the shadows, attempted to overthrow the Hapsburgs. Comte de Saint Germain was also a rumored paid agent of the French Revolution. In other words – he was a spy for the Dragon Dynasty wherever he went.
Dragonsblood is said to be medicinal. A wyvern is a mythical beast, a winged dragon with two eagle-like feet and a barbed, serpentine tail. In folklore, a dragon is a serpentine creature. The Latin word draco, as in constellation Draco, comes directly from Greek δράκων, (drákan, gazer). Words for dragon iinclude worm, Old English: wyrm, Old High German: wurm, Old Norse: ormr), meaning snake or serpent.
In Old English wyrm means "serpent", draca means "dragon". Finnish lohikäärme means directly "salmon-snake", but the word lohi- was originally louhi- meaning crags or rocks, a "mountain snake". Though a winged creature, the dragon is generally found in its underground lair, a cave that identifies it as an ancient creature of earth. Likely, the dragons of European and Mid Eastern mythology stem from the cult of snakes found in religions throughout the world.
Delta of Venus
The most noticeable thing about St. Germain's secret DRAGON BOOK is its highly unusual shape - a downward-pointing equilateral triangle of 9 inches to each side. But flipping through the pages of the Dragon Book we see alternating upward and downward pointing triangles, such as those of the Qabalistic Tree of Life - a glyph of the process of transmutation into form and a path of return to the formless Divine.
An upward-pointing triangle is a symbol of the exoteric, and the downward-triangle of the esoteric, the portal between worlds. This is both the elemental symbol of water and the downward-pointing delta of the yoni, or sacred feminine, Sophia, Gnosis, Shakti, Shekinah, Babalon, Nuit, the Grail, the matrix of manifestation. As such, it is the primordial source of the waters of life and a great Mystery. That mystery includes energetic manifestation, longevity, all the buried treasures of the Collective Unconscious, even immortality.
The Delta or triangle, female-genital sign, the letter known as a vulva, in Celtic – duir, in Sanskrit dwr, and in Hebrew dalath. In Qabalah it is the Soul Triangle (2-3-6). The Tree of Life is a nested embedded cluster of upward and downward pointing triangles. The upward-pointing triangle represents the aspiration of the magician, and the downward-pointing triangle represents the divine power, flowing down to the world. These meet at the moment of magick and the interlaced triangles forming the hexagram symbolize the power of this meeting.
The soul itself is a point having no dimension in the world of the spirit, symbolized by the triangle. The Hebrew letter 'yod' at the center of the triangle represents the divine name or "God point", also called by some the "nothing point" of transcendent awareness. The upside down triangle is called the Dragon's Eye and is related to all other Eye symbols -- the eye of Ra/Horus, the Illuminati Eye in the Triangle, Third Eye, pineal gland, the evil eye.
All the mystic teachings incorporate the power of three within their folds. Three represents the union of the numbers prior to it (One and Two). Numerically speaking, if One represents force, and Two represents an opening, then Three is the birthing of true wisdom.
Solomon's Temple was designed as a microcosm of the womb. It was divided into three parts. The Porch represents the lower end of the vagina up to the hymen, or Veil. The Hall, or vagina itself leads to the inner sanctum, or Holy of Holies, the uterus. The priest, dressed as a penis, anointed with various saps and resins as representing the divine semen, enters through the doors of the Porch, the "labia" of the womb, past the Veil or "hymen" into the Hall.
The Yoni is both magic circle and triangle. The magic circle is a portal for scalar potential which feeds the energy body with negentropic flux, virtual Light. In magick, the Triangle of Art is consecrated for purposes of evocation - drawing forth. Sometimes the triangle is depicted in Hermetic diagrams radiating this esoteric light.
In the mid 1800's, the existence of scalar energy was first proposed in a series of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell, in which H refers to the magnetic field, E refers to the energy field. Most of the other symbols are Greek letters such as epsilon and delta. The upside down triangle represents the Vector Differential.
But, the key to these equations – what makes them remarkable in history is the use of symbol, which stands for Scalar Charge Density. This equation was the first time the existence of scalar energy was theoretically proposed. A half-century later Nicola Tesla actually demonstrated the existence of scalar energy, know called virtual vacuum fluctuation or virtual photons. This is the biophotonic basis of the human energy body and a vast cosmic energetic potential called ZERO-Point energy. Buckminster Fuller called it the Vector Equilibrium Matrix.
The most prominent feature of the title page of the DRAGON BOOK is a winged Dragon or Wyvern emblem. Wyvern is derived from Middle English wyvere, from Old North French wivre "viper". The triangular shape hints strongly at a 3-fold reading: Hermetic, Qabalistic & Alchemical. All deal with our primordial nature as energetic light beings capable of transformation and energetic communion with Cosmos.
Such a reading suggests alphanumeric cyphers hidden within the encoded text, even once it is decoded and translated from the Latin and French. For example, a variety of ciphers were known to St. Germain, including Gematria, Atbash, Triangle, Circular, Enochian, substitution ciphers, etc. A triangular cipher would be a natural suspect for pulling more from the graphic text. Perhaps future cryptologists will apply some of these arcane techniques.
Dissolve Yourself & Solve the Riddle
The male outward, explosive, active force is represented by the Alpha upward triangle and the female inward, implosive, creative force is symbolized by the Omega downward triangle. The combined gender of direction of force is symbolized by the six pointed hexagram or Star of David. For the triangle to unite into the hexagram they have to be interlocked with each other.
We know the descending mystical triangle of Saint Germain's Dragon Book is a symbol of water, as in the alchemical maxim, Solve et Coagula. Water is the Universal Solvent of alchemy, the beginning and end of the work. We also know water has unique physical and metaphysical properties. Its molecular structure can be affected by human intentionality. Thoughts and words affect water. Liquid water is the cosmic source of all life. Some body fluids exemplify this property more than others. Since we are largely water ourselves it is a primordial element affecting our well-being and longevity.
The liquid form of the Philosopher's Stone was known as the UNIVERSAL SOLVENT. According to the alchemists, the operation of solutio (liquification) has a twofold effect: it causes old forms to disappear and new regenerate forms to emerge. To a rigid consciousness, the primal ocean of the unconscious is experienced as chaotic, violent, irrational processes of generation and destruction.
Grinnell (1973) describes the transformative process of solutio which facilitates the fluid, mobile basis of consciousness:
For aqua permanens is a mode of the arcane substance; its symbol is water or sea-water, an all-pervading essence of anima mundi, the innermost and secret numinosum in man and the universe, that part of God which formed the quintessence and real substance of Physis, at once the highest supercelestial waters of wisdom and the spirit of life pervading inorganic matter.
Alchemy had one great prescription for the accomplishment of the Great Work: "Solve et Coagula"--reduce or dissolve all to its primary, most fundamental essence and embody that creative, holistic spirit. The ancient alchemists sought to transform "lead" into "gold." We repeat this process as modern alchemists when we seek the transformative medium which allows us to recognize our rigidities ("lead") and facilitates our healing and expression of our full creative potential ("gold"). That medium is the ever-flowing river of our consciousness.
As consciousness explores and expands, ego dissolves. Pure consciousness, the fundamental luminosity, is the ground state of unborn form. The generic purpose of ego death is to liberate our embodied being, precipitating communion with and re-patterning by the Whole. When all forms finally dissolve into unconditioned consciousness, the ground state of primordial awareness is revealed as the mystic Void, the womb of creation.
The Universal Solvent dissolves problems, heals, allows life to flow in new, creative patterns. These new patterns embody the evolutionary dynamic. According to chaos theory, free-flowing energy is capable of self-organization. In consciousness this means that the obstructions to free flowing energy must first be dissolved. Through re-creational ego death, consciousness dissolves into healing communion with the whole of existence, renewing itself, emerging with a new creative potential.
There is a generic process in nature and consciousness which dissolves and regenerates all forms. The essence of this transformative, morphological process is chaotic--purposeful yet inherently unpredictable holistic repatterning. The Great Work of the art of alchemy is the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, a symbol of wholeness and integration. The liquid form of the Stone, called the Universal Solvent, dissolves all old forms like a rushing stream, and is the self-organizing matrix for the rebirth of new forms. It is thus a metaphor or model for the dynamic process of transformation, ego death and re-creation.
The alchemical operation SOLUTIO, called "the root of alchemy," corresponds with the element water. It implies a flowing state of consciousness, "liquification" of consciousness, a return to the womb for rebirth, a baptism or healing immersion in the vast ocean of deep consciousness. It facilitates feedback via creative regression: de-structuring, or destratification by immersion in the flow of psychic imagery through identification with more and more primal forms or patterns--a psychedelic, expanded state, a chaotic process of psychological transformation and recalibration.
Heavenly Water
The Milky Way is the water of heaven, the spiral circle of the cosmos whose secret is revealed in the Great Cycle of the Precession, the Zero-Point of Solar/Galactic Alignment. The Dragon solution is in the blood, in actualizing the powers inherent in dragon nature, being fearless to be superhuman, for the sake of all life. The Water of Life has unique meaning in the pre-Diluvian Dragon lineage.
The Dragon is an Ultraterrestrial -- a symbol of wisdom and healing. There is primordial wisdom in the inherent nature of the deathless light body, with powers extended through the consort -- titanic blazing being intentionally working with great forces and vast fields. The Dragon is the ancient ancestor who contains all widom and potential, symbol of mastery and sovereignty used by royalty and initiates.
Spirit reabsorbs all the light it projected as objective universe, reawakening the Dragon energy. The grand frequency contains quintessence of all dimensions and knowledge. The primary ground of being contains all patterns and potentials. The Grail Quest and alchemical Great Work are also called "Opening the Eye of the Dragon." Gnosis lies at the heart of Dragon culture, which holds we should be at one with the Earth not presume dominion over it.
72 Spirits from Weyer & Goetia
Black Book of Yezedi
Black Pullett
Book of the Great Rezial
Demon Specialties
Grand Grimoire - Clavicle of Solomon
Herbs and their Magical Properties
History of Enochian Magic
Laws of Magick
Magickal Use of Psalms
Of the Arte Goetia
Papyri Graecae Magicae
Planetary Hours
Rituals of the Aurum Solis
Sepher HaZohar - The Book of That Which is Concealed
Sepher HaZohar - The Greater Assembly
Sepher HaZohar - The Lesser Holy Assembly
Testament of Solomon
The Magnificent 49
Thralls - Creation & Use of Artificial Intelligences
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Angels
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Archangels of the 7 Planets
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Book VI
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Book VII
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Book VIII
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Editions & Secondary material
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Folklore
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Magical Aims
6 & 7 Books of Moses - Materials
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al-Majriti, Maslamati ibn Ahmad - Commentary on the Picatrix
Amber K - the Basics of Magick
An Oxonian - Thaumaturgia
De Claremont - the Ancient Book of Formulas
Dion Fortune - Mystical Qabala
Eliphas Levi - Dogma et Rituel I
Eliphas Levi - Dogma et Rituel II
Eliphas Levi - Elements of the Quabalah
Eliphas Levi - Key of the Mysteries
Eliphas Levi - Magical Ritual Sanctum Regnum
Elus Cohen - Occultisme - 72 Anges-kabbale(fr-lat)
Fr. Aschad - QBL
Francis Barrett - The Magus Book 1
Francis Barrett - The Magus Book 2
H.C. Agrippa - de Occulta Philosophia I
H.C. Agrippa - de Occulta Philosophia II
H.C. Agrippa - de Occulta Philosophia III
H.C. Agrippa - de Occulta Philosophia IV
Honorius - The Grimoire of Honorius
Iamblichus - Theurgia
Idres Shah - Book of Power
Israel Regardie - The Art and Meaning of Magic
J.F.C. Fuller - Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah
Jim Reeds - John Dee & The Book of Soyga
Johannes Faust - Praxis Magica Fausti
Johannes Faust - The Black Raven
John Dee - Grimoirium Imperium
John Dee - Hieroglyphic Monad
John Dee - Mysteriorum Liber Quintus
John Dee - Mysteriorum Liber Quintus appendix
John Dee - Mysterorium Liber Cuartus
John Dee - Mysterorium Liber Primus
John Dee - Mysterorium Liber Primus Notes
John Dee - Mysterorium Liber Secundus
John Dee - Mysterorium Liber Tertius
John Dee biographyKaplan - Sefer Yetzirah
Laitman - Attaining Worlds Beyond
Laitman - Experience of the Kabbalah
Laitman - Path of Kabbalah
M. Gaster - Sword Of Moses
M.W. Humphery - Dictionary & Glossary of Occult Terminology
Marius Malchus - Secret Grimoire of Turiel
Occultisme- 72 Anges-kabbale Elus Cohen
Paul Foster Case - 32 Paths of Wisdom
Peter de Albano - Heptameron
Rabbi Nehunia ban haKana - Sepher Ha-Bahir (Book of Illumination)
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S. Zietz - Verum Jesuitum Libellus
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Greater Key of Solomon Ia
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Greater Key of Solomon Ib - Order of the Pentacles
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Greater Key of Solomon II
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Lemegeton I - Goetia
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Lemegeton II - Theurgia Goetia
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Lemegeton III - Ars Paulina
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Lemegeton IV - Ars Almadel
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Lemegeton V - Ars Nova
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Magic of Armadel
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Sacred Magic of Abramelin I
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Sacred Magic of Abramelin II
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Sacred Magic of Abramelin III
S.L. MacGregor Mathers - The Kabbalah Unveiled
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Three Initiates - Kybalion
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William Sterling - The Canon
